TYAC is the UK’s professional association for those involved in the treatment, care and support of teenagers and young adults with cancer.
By providing information and support and funding research we aim to improve the quality of life and likelihood of survival for young people with cancer.
Your donation will go towards funding research and providing expert information for teenagers and young adults with cancer.
From running to skydiving, cycling to overseas trekking, or taking part in one of our special events, there are plenty of ways to get involved, have fun and raise funds for us.
We provide information on best practice and new developments, education and support to our members, and through funding and supporting research into teenage and young adult cancer. Through this we aim to improve the quality of life and likelihood of survival for young people with cancer.
When you join TYAC, you become part of a community of fellow professionals working to improve the quality of life and likelihood of survival for young people with cancer.
Membership of TYAC is open to all professionals involved in the care and support of teenagers and young adults with cancer aged 13-24 years.